Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Capital Punishment

Although the topic has been discussed nearly on all the platforms but still it is controversial. Death penalty seems to be a deterrent and very severe form of punishment but actually it is very important to eradicate several human activities which have put the future of our society on the brink. Much to our chagrin, today we are surrounded by many evils which are bane of our existence. Thugs and corrupt people have made the life of a layman impossible. There is no surety of one’s life and belongings. Robberies and murders have increased to dizzying heights. Thus there is a need of strict action against these people. For the safety of others capital punishment is indispensible. Zeroing into the world we can realize that the countries where capital punishment has been imposed have low crime rates. As an example we can take Saudi-Arabia and Iran where death penalty is practiced and as a result crime rate in these countries is one of the lowest in the world. On the other hand, U.K abolished the capital punishment and has seen a rise of up to 125% of murders since then. Several other European countries and U.S have also faced increased crime rates due to the cancelation of death penalty in these countries. But the question is that,” is capital punishment always justified?” Now, here is a really vexing situation. We know many of the countries in this world do not have fair and free judiciary; as a result the judgments made in the court are often influenced by the corrupt people. Many innocent people suffer who do not have enough resources to appoint a quintessential lawyer and bribe the judges. This has been common in many of the developing countries like Pakistan and India. Most of the times, the culprits do not get the treatment. So it must be stressed that before the capital punishment is introduced, the judiciary should be made sound and fair. Once this is done, the crime rate will drop and harmony will prevail in the society. But who will do this, and when this would happen still remains a big question!


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